6 January 2012

Nia Ramadhani

Nia Ramadhani, sexy bikini, Sexy Swimsuit, indonesia bikiniHaving a high body ideal nan desires of each person. Moreover, the profession as an artist and photo models. Soap star and advertising model Nia Ramadhani (15) also wanted to have the ideal posture, as a condition to become an international model.

For Nia, who at his height reached 170 cm and weight 52 kg, is still less than ideal. For that, while there's still diusia growth, the actress who played in the soap opera that Sitti Nurbaya target height can be up to 175 cm. "I once pengen become an international model that can travel around the world. One of the conditions is the height. Actually, my height 170 cm now qualified enough. But I want even higher until 175 cm," said Nia.

Well, to achieve these targets, Nia had a recipe telling. That diligent exercise pool and basketball. "What would I have to exercise diligent. Incidentally, I love the swimming and basketball. Both sports are the fastest to raise my body," explained pesinetron Bawang Putih Bawang Merah this.

But Nia sports activities, while it slightly decreased. Understand it, 3rd grade student Ora junior ET LABORA Jakarta, was preparing for state exams. "Now I'm busy nyiapin UAN. So while I got more active learning. Especially shooting schedule was really solid," said the daughter of the couple's daughter Prya.


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