4 February 2012

Shandy Aulia

Shandy Aulia, Foto Artis
Shandy Aulia, Foto Artis

Nyimas Shandy Aulia (born in Jakarta, January 1, 1987; age 23 years), or usually called Shandy, is an actress who plays the body 165 cm. Shandy Aulia and Sharon Jessica and ever acted in soap operas and movies Inayah Eiffel I'm in Love "and" What Is Love?. In both films were paired by Shandy; Sharon Jessica. Shandy had won the nomination in MTV Indonesia Movie Awards (Mima) in 2004. Role as the film Tita Eiffel I'm in Love into the category of Best Crying Scene. Shandy had been also been a lover Roger Danuarta. He also has starred in ads Conello Walls Ice Cream.

Shandy Aulia, Foto Artis
Shandy Aulia, Foto Artis
Shandy Aulia, Foto Artis


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